Justice Black

Aspiring Graphic Designer

I hope to become a successful Graphic Designer that works remotely and impacts the world positively through design

Featured Projects/Images

Picture of a man sitting that I used for a shirt design

Picture of a man sitting that I used for a shirt design

This image was used in a design I made for a shirt.

View the image of the man sitting that I used for a design

Picture of a print that I designed

Print design that I made a while ago

This image was my first ever print design.

View the image of my first print design ever

This is a single column layout.

I can make these by spanning twelve columns with a single container.

This is a two-column layout.

I can make these by spanning six columns with two containers.

This is a two-column layout.

I can make these by spanning six columns with two containers.

This is a three-column layout.

I can make these by spanning four columns with three containers.

This is a three-column layout.

I can make these by spanning four columns with three containers.

This is a three-column layout.

I can make these by spanning four columns with three containers.